
“ Conhecereis a VERDADE e a VERDADE vos libertará ! ” JESUS CRISTO " Eu sou o Caminho a Verdade e a Vida, Ninguem vem ao Pai senão por mim " Bíblia Sagrada, Novo Testamento, Evangelho de João 14:6 ------------------------------------------------------------- " HAY QUE ENDURECER-SE, PERO SIN PERDER LA TERNURA JAMÁS" Ernesto CHE Gevara

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Localização: União Freguesias Agualva-Mira Sintra, Sintra, Lisboa, , Portugal

segunda-feira, setembro 25, 2006

Sinto dever publicitar aqui este livro

Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism
ED erdmans
208 pp.

This collection of essays serves as a valuable guide to the complex relationship between evangelicals and fundamentalists. Marsden combines sharp profiles of key religious leaders in each camp with historical narrative and theological explanation. The debate between fundamentalists and modernists, the emergence of contemporary evangelicalism, and the theological underpinnings of the "creation science" movement are among the subjects that Marsden illuminates. Particularly valuable is his account of the way that tensions between evangelical outreach and fundamentalist withdrawal play out among transitional figures such as the Reverend Jerry Falwell. Marsden may be the most important contemporary scholar of American conservative Protestantism; this book is a valuable primer to his work.